Struggling with Teeth Grinding? Find the Perfect Night Guard with These Tips

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Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is one of the most common types of dental issues that people deal with. Moreover, it can also take a toll on your life and dental health, leading to further complications such as teeth tear, jaw pain, and much more. But how does it affect your sleep? In this blog, we discuss the causes of teeth grinding, how it affects your life, and what to look for in a night guard to help you choose the right option for your grinding problems.

What Is Teeth Grinding?

Teeth grinding is the involuntary grinding, clenching, and gnashing of your teeth. It can occur while you are asleep or awake, and its duration varies from individual to individual.

Bruxism during the day is generally associated with stress and anxiety. On the other hand, nighttime grinding may be caused by other factors such as genetics, stress, and other psychological factors.

teeth grinding
Stress is a leading cause of teeth grinding.

Effects Of Teeth Grinding

Grinding teeth can put a strain on jaw bones and muscles, leading you to wake up with headaches, jaw pain, or your ears ringing. Another negative effect of prolonged and untreated bruxism is enamel erosion of the teeth, leading to tooth decay, structural damage (chipping and breakage), and heightened teeth sensitivity.

How To Manage Bruxism?

Daytime bruxism is relatively manageable by being aware of the habit and consciously controlling it. However, nighttime teeth grinding requires additional efforts, such as including a night guard to protect your teeth from the effects of grinding.

Explore our Smilepath custom night guards starting as low as with free shipping.

What Is A Night Guard?

A night guard is a dental appliance that safeguards the teeth and jaws from the adverse effects of grinding by acting as a cushion to protect them. It can either be readily available in pre-made sizes or custom-made to your dental requirements.

Custom-fit night guard
A female holds a clear night guard

Things To Consider When Choosing A Night Guard


Since night guards are worn at night, they should be comfortable enough to sleep with. Anything bulky and thick will affect your comfort and hence disturb your sleep.


A night guard is prone to wear and tear as time passes. This is why it needs to be sturdy enough to withstand the repeated pressure from grinding and clenching.


Buying quality night guards should not feel like breaking the bank. They should be easy on the pocket since this is often a recurring cost.

Why Choose Custom Night Guards

Custom night guards offer a superior fit as they are designed according to your dental conditions. This makes them more comfortable compared to other over-the-counter options.

Types Of Night Guards

Custom-fit night guards, such as those offered by Smilepath, come in three variations for patients to choose from:


These are created from PETG material known for its sturdiness. With a 2 mm thickness, these are not too bulky to cause any discomfort and are sturdy enough to withstand severe grinding.


Created from soft EVA plastic, these night guards are 3 mm thick and can withstand mild to moderate grinding while being gentle on the teeth.


These are dual-layered night guards with a hard outer layer and a soft inner layer. They are available in two thickness variations:

  • 1mm - Ideal for mild to moderate grinders
  • 2mm - Ideal for heavy grinders

How To Diagnose Bruxism?

It can sometimes be difficult to tell on your own if you are suffering from bruxism because most of the grinding takes place at night while you are asleep. Here are the three ways to tell if you suffer from bruxism:

Consult With A Dentist

A dental expert can assess your teeth and evaluate if they have any signs of wear and tear that suggest grinding. A thorough observation can make it easy for the dentist to determine the extent and severity of your bruxism.

Talk To Your Partner

Teeth grinding leads to squeaky sounds that may lead to waking up your partner. While you might not notice it, the sound sometimes can be loud enough to catch the attention of anyone next to you and can be helpful in diagnosing your bruxism on time.


If you wake up noticing sensitive teeth, a sore jaw, or headaches, chances are you might be suffering from bruxism. Another telltale sign of bruxism is that if you grind during the day, it is very likely that you also grind your teeth during the night.

To sum it up, although wearing a night guard can help sustain your bruxism, it is still important to consult with an expert. This can help ensure the ideal treatment for your teeth grinding along with any other underlying conditions to help reduce dental erosion, jaw pressure, and headaches. Considering all the above factors, we recommend buying custom-made night guards that offer superior fit and provide effective treatment.

To find your perfect Night Guard, call us at +64 98705733.


Can I cure my bruxism?

While curing bruxism completely may be out of the hands of a custom night guard, treating the underlying condition, such as stress and anxiety, can prove to be helpful.

Are night guards essential?

Consistent pressure from grinding can affect the mobility of teeth, damage your enamel, and lead to jaw aches. This is why it is recommended to wear a night guard to protect your teeth from deteriorating.

Are night guards and mouth guards the same?

Mouth guards are an umbrella term and can include a wide range of products, including sports guards, day guards, and much more. Night guards are specifically made to be worn for bruxism during the night.